Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama Denounces American Ability to Solve our Problems

Of course, Barack knows he is incapable of being President, he knows he is inexperienced. But now Obama has claimed that America can not solve our problems, that we need to be rescued by Europeans. And not just our "foreign" problems, but our domestic ones as well.

From US needs overseas partners to resolve domestic problems: Obama:

XinhuaLondon, July 26 (Xinhua) The US needs the help of overseas partners to solve its domestic problems, US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said here Saturday.

Now, he's not saying we are entirely helpless. He just thinks that unless we make Europeans like us so that they will help us, our DOMESTIC problems will be harder to solve:

“The reason that I thought this trip was important as I am convinced that many issues we face at home are not going to be solved as effectively unless we have strong partners abroad,” he told a news conference.

He also made several more of his banal, self-evident statements, the ones he thinks makes him sound "presidential":

Commenting on his meeting with British Prime Minister Gorden Brown, Obama said, “We share the same language and the same belief and Britain and the US have gone through the world wars together and share same views on the world order.”

Of course, that includes Britain being our number one ally in the war in Iraq -- a war that Obama wanted to surrender over a year ago. So while America and Britain shared the same views, Obama and Britain do not -- and the America of Obama will not.


Anonymous said...

The reaction to Obamas statement which I just read sounds like someone who is just looking for any little thing to attack his reputation and chances to win.We have far more important things to worry about, like health care, education. employment, to name a few!
Vancouver WA

Charles said...

Health care in this country is better than anywhere else in the world. You probably meant "health insurance".

But nobody goes without care in this country, unless they choose to. Those who are poor can get treatment without cost, and most others have insurance through their employers. A good part of those who aren't insured choose not to spend their money on insurance.

Education is a local issue, not something of concern to the federal government, or the President.

Employment is a personal issue, not a government issue. but if you want to fix employment, fire the people who turned the 4.6% unemployment into 5.7% unemployment in less than 2 years -- the Democrats.

The Democrats have passed several bills which negatively impact the businesses that employ the people of this country. You can't be anti-business like the Democrats and not hurt employees.

If they get their way to tax away the operating capital of the oil companies, we'll have thousands of oil company employees joining the other Democrat victims in the unemployment lines.

Obama has no plan to employ anybody. For every job he thinks he can generate in alternative energy, he'll kill two jobs with his anti-C02 work and his attacks on the oil industry, along with his blind love for all things union.

Anonymous said...

Obama hates America. THat was evedent in the begining. So I believe the question is:
Why did the people of America elect a(n) (evil) presedent who hates America and doesn't know ANYTHING about the military?